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What the artists had to say

Here are some testimonials from a few of the artists who saw a Muse in Drakaina.

MIKE RATERA, comic book artist


"The fire trapped in the icy blue of her eyes ...​

Blade swinging dangerously in her hands ... With feline movements,she appears , the light shining down on her. Her shadow, a dragon.Facing me is Drakaina.I study her movements ... I begin to draw lines on paper.The magic ...Once more ...

“It's nice to meet someone who belongs to your species,someone who is so passionate that she grabs her lifewith both hands, regardless of the consequences.”

And it is even more beautiful if we talk about a woman with a hugeinner strength ... a woman capable of becoming the reality of your most intimate dreams...

We can feel all of this in Drakaina, right from the moment you meet her .A spirit as free as the wind from the North ... The secret desire to chooseanother time to live ... a time far far away ... where magic was linkedwith instinct and survival.Here is the Fantasy ... Here's the vision. Here is Drakaina."


​AR'NO, Photographer, concept designer


"Drakaina has always been for me the proud and wild symbol of strong femininity, courage and rage, fire of desire and freedom…​

​But my story is somewhat different from the other artists…

At the beginning it was an Egregore whispering into my ears how much she wanted to live… It was necessary for me to find her a body … in order to offer the living territories to  this ignited spirit… and she came to me… sensual and sharp, soft and wild…​

She was my creation… my Creature… for a few days, time for the soul of the Vessel and the mythical spirit to merge till they became One… My Creature lives on her own, with her own free will and inspires those which are not afraid to pay her a tribute.

Thank you, you are and you will remain for ever the living incarnation of my creation, because creation you were… MUSE you became… Eternal Queen you will become, and me, incubating fool… I observe you and smiles to see how beautiful you are when your soul forever carves the eternal stone of arts.

My Child, my Queen, my Love, you were able to steal the shine of imagination and capture it in the jewels of your beauty so that forever the artists continue to dream…"


JIM BALENT, comic book artist


"Are you ready for this? Are you ready for Drakaina?

Many women are models but only a few become Muses. Drakaina is one of those women.

[About Drakaina's art book]You are about to experience something special. What you hold in your hands is more than a collection of fantastic fantasy art.It's an invitation from Drakaina  to attend the secret and sacred relationship that she has with her artists.  It's a celebration of her body, her spirit, her sexuality. And now , she invites you  to experience her in this intimate way as well.

She stands before you nude. In paint, in pencil and in photographs.She wants you to examine her, like every artist does. She wants you to notice the curve of her breast. the dip of her hip. The texture of her skin. The softness of her lips. The blush of her nipples  and the wild curls of her hair.She invites you to look at all these things  and more... to experience her thoroughly through the artwork. She wants you to know her ... She wants you to feel her... She wants  you to see her.

But be warned! She has a spell about her. This Muse will haunt your dreams.She will come to you at night while you rest secure in bed .She will slide up against you, take you and hold you in her warm embrace.She will press her perfumed flesh against you, lay her bewitching chest upon yours.You will feel her heartbeat. In a breath, she will whisper your name.She is the forever Muse. Free with her body, free with her sexuality, free in spirit and forever more  she will remain free. Free to inspire others who are blessed to lay eyes upon her magnificent form.

So I ask you again. Are you ready for this? Are you ready for Drakaina?"

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